大日本土木 株式会社

DNC’s new corporate philosophy and action agenda incorporate the organization’s sense of determination.

Since its foundation,
the company has focused on faithful and reliable production based
on a corporate philosophy and an action agenda embracing its resolution toward a new era.
To maintain an infrastructure for optimal living in today’s world,
employees remain dedicated to high growth goals with a sense of pride and full awareness of DNC’s quality ideals.
These efforts are backed by sound management facilitating a sense of workplace stability.

Maintenance of stability

DNC is committed to meeting public expectations and supporting wellbeing worldwide with reliable technology and quality.

Commitment, pride and openness to challenges

  • Commitment

    Mtieeng public expectations based on commitment combined with sustainable corporate operation and growth

  • Pride

    Pride in public support efforts and ongoing dedication to technology and quality

  • Openness to challenges

    Ongoing focus on challenges based on goals, ambitions and a global perspective, along with a passion for production

Philosophy Movie